Friday, August 23, 2019

Interview Medik UiTM 2019

Ni based on pengalaman kawan aku. Aku tade edit pape pun XD tapi lau nak tau pasal iv dentistry dgn iv farmasi boleh la lawat blog aku.

[5/19, 14:31] Sofiadini: Hahahaha
[5/19, 14:31] Sofiadini: Nak tau psl aku takkk
[5/19, 14:32] Sofiadini: Aku bru ada motivasi & masa utk pgg fon betul2 ni
[5/19, 14:37] Sofiadini: Dia ada 5 station
[5/19, 14:37] Sofiadini: Haa kisah apa aku korang nk dgr ke tak. So aku citer je eh
[5/19, 14:37] Sofiadini: First station yg aku dpt, dia bagi situasi. Ada patient w terminal cancer, dh tk tahan sakit, mintak medication kt dr to end her/his life. What are my views on this.
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: Ygni dia boleh pilih nk bm @ bi. Aku bantai gi pilih eng. Lolol
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: AND I FLUNKED WEH MY FIRST STATION 😭😭
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: Memang tkpat
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: Pehtu nxt station soalan dia, imagine your uncle/auntie have diabetes & refuse to take medication. Persuade them to take the medicine
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: So kena berlakon ah
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: Ygni compulsory eng. Hahahaha. Okay la ygni. Aku rancang memula nak bagi salam apa semua. Mcm borak2 ngn makcik kau
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: Aku pun go on persuade smpai habis 4 minit. Tk dpt pun persuade. Mehhh dia nk test patience kita je kot
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: Kau agak2? Tak terkejut kau jumpa makcik kau je terus kena sembur. Hahahaha
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Third station, HAAA NI IV-ER DIA BAIKKK. 😭😭😭
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Soalan dia, bagitau healthcare delivery system that you know in malaysia
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: First thought aku cm, haaa? Ambans ke apa
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: *ambulans
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Ofc klinik ngn hospital semua
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Hahahaha. Then dia bgi hint, apa any healthcare yg aku tau kt msia. Yg available la.
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Kalau aku tktau lagi, dia bagi hint.
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: So list la satu2
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Nxt station questionnare. Jawab psl diri kau je. Bulat2 je
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Tapi ada junior dtg ckp nak grup ngn kawan2 je
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Then yg last, dia tanya apa yg kita akan buat bila kau as a fasi, which kena make a group of 10 campur senior junior
[5/19, 14:52] Sofiadini: Aku pun cm.. Hmmm. Aku buat cmne eh. Aku jwb ah bincang apa semua. Then bagi no @ kaler kt dieorang, suruh dieorang kumpul ikut yg mana dieorang dpt.
[5/19, 14:52] Sofiadini: Yg ni dia cm understanding la iv-er
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: So kena berlakon ah
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: Ygni compulsory eng. Hahahaha. Okay la ygni. Aku rancang memula nak bagi salam apa semua. Mcm borak2 ngn makcik kau
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: Aku pun go on persuade smpai habis 4 minit. Tk dpt pun persuade. Mehhh dia nk test patience kita je kot
[5/19, 14:38] Sofiadini: Kau agak2? Tak terkejut kau jumpa makcik kau je terus kena sembur. Hahahaha
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Third station, HAAA NI IV-ER DIA BAIKKK. 😭😭😭
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Soalan dia, bagitau healthcare delivery system that you know in malaysia
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: First thought aku cm, haaa? Ambans ke apa
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: *ambulans
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Ofc klinik ngn hospital semua
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Hahahaha. Then dia bgi hint, apa any healthcare yg aku tau kt msia. Yg available la.
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Kalau aku tktau lagi, dia bagi hint.
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: So list la satu2
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Nxt station questionnare. Jawab psl diri kau je. Bulat2 je
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Tapi ada junior dtg ckp nak grup ngn kawan2 je
[5/19, 14:50] Sofiadini: Then yg last, dia tanya apa yg kita akan buat bila kau as a fasi, which kena make a group of 10 campur senior junior
[5/19, 14:52] Sofiadini: Aku pun cm.. Hmmm. Aku buat cmne eh. Aku jwb ah bincang apa semua. Then bagi no @ kaler kt dieorang, suruh dieorang kumpul ikut yg mana dieorang dpt.
[5/19, 14:52] Sofiadini: Yg ni dia cm understanding la iv-er

Semoga membantu. All the best!

Interview Dentistry UiTM 2019

Daftar, briefing. Waktu daftar aku jap jee sebab pendaftaran tu ikut alphabet. Nasib baik initial letter aku start dgn H bukan N hihihi

1. Essay: why do you want to be a dentist?
Ni be honest je, deep down nape nak sangat jadi dentist. 15 minit.

2. Personality test
Dalam 3 minit kot. Senang je. Nak tengok yall ada personality dentist ke tak.

3. Colourblind test
Ni pun senang je. Yg tengok2 nombor tu.

4. Tooth carving
Ni dia bagi lilin. 3cm panjang dia. Diameter dalam 1.5cm. Ti dia bagi pisau. Silakan ukir bentuk wisdom tooth haha. Bolehla kalau nak praktis kat rumah ni hihi. Bila ukir tu kalau boleh dapat bezakan crown dgn root dia (doranglaa yg bgtau kitorang).

5. Interview session
Iv ni 3 orang per session. Ada 2 interviewers. Memula tu aku cam tak selesa sangat sebab bilik tu besar pastu jarak antara kitotang dgn dorang pun jauh.

Iv ni fully conducted in english tau. Tak silap cam 40 minutes gak dalam tu. Ke lama lagi eh

-Tell me about yourself
-Achievement masa sekolah/dip/matriks/etc
-Bila Hari Gigi?
-Are you a leader or a follower?
-Isu semasa (in Malay) ni aku jawab pasal serbuk arang. Ada gak yg mention fake braces dgn pasal kempen
-Nak specialize dalam bidang apa in dentistry and why?
-One word to describe yourself? Why?
-Apa yg kita aktif dulu?

Banyak jugak la tanya tapi mmg most of it based on dari apa yg kita jawab. Cuba la kaitkan apa yg kita buat dulu dgn dentistry. Gugel ciri2 dentist pastu kaitkan. Contoh, dulu aku jpk, so dentist ni kena work together. Pastu aku biro multimedia. Jadi dentist kan kena kreatif. Cemtu ar.

Maybe lau tau term2 bidang ni lagi bagus. Aku kan pengguna braces so aku tau la sedikit sebanyak term dia. Aku ada mention pasal gummy smile dgn hypodontia of incisor. Apparently gigi kekal taring aku xde lol. Bila aku mention dorang cam surprised je. In a good way la.

Honestly aku tak rasa iv dentistry uitm aku went well sangat pun. Aku dah pasrah dah tau. Dahla kemasukan dia 80 orang je. Kalau dapat pharmacy pun aku redha je sebab aku rasa iv pharmacy aku a lot better dari ni. Takpun dentistry usm ke en. Usm lagi la intake dia 50 je.

Aku lepasan diploma sains uitm. Aku apply penerapan diploma uitm dgn upu gak. Penerapan ni boleh pilih dua je antara medik, gigi, pharmacy. Aku punya first choice gigi. Second choice, pharmacy. Alhamdulillah aku dpt offer iv untuk dedua. Boleh baca pengalaman iv farmasi aku kat sini. Rata2 kawan aku dpt satu je. Aku pegi jee dedua. Kita taktau rezeki kita kat mana kan. Iv usm yg under upu ni pun aku pergi gak.

Alhamdulillah haritu kuar result, aku dpt masuk dentistry uitm. Oh, ada orang tanya pointer diploma aku. Cgpa aku 3.93. Kalau pointer korang 3.5 and above insyaAllah dpt je g iv. Iv lepas dpt la masuk.

Aku ada tulis gak pasal iv farmasi uitm. Iv dentistry usm tak tulis sebab tak ingat sangat haha. Dia ada dua je; iv dgn wire bending. Boleh baca *blog* ni sebab aku rasa membantu masa aku nak hadap iv kat usm dulu.

Semoga membantu. All the best!

Interview Farmasi UiTM 2019

Interview aku pukul 2 petang. Pagi tu ada interview dentistry dekat sg buloh. Habis je terus cau sebab dalam 40 minit gak jarak dia.

Aku rasa interview farmasi uitm ni smooth gila. Awal2 tu masuk dewan kuliah dia, kena isi cam borang untuk interview session nanti. Pastu dia briefing la pasal circuit ni.

Pastu awal2 dia cakap sape nak interview awal, nak balik awal duduk depan. Aku pun g depan sekali hahahaha. Pastu dia terus bahagikan semorang in a group of 6. Aku group 3.

Pastu dia terus bawak kitorang g satu dewan ni, untuk sahkan dokumen2 yg yall bawak. Ti stapler la sekali gambar passport yg kita kena bawak tu. Dalam dewan tu ada banyak tables. Dia sahkan by group. Tak lambat pun. Cepat je. Semua group sekali jalan.

Pada satu masa 6 circuit berjalan. Kira 6 groups boleh settle dalam 42 minit. Laju gak en. Setiap 42 minit 36 orang dah settle interview, dah boleh balik. Interview by circuit ni ada 6 stations. Setiap orang duduk kat each station pastu rotate. Kira kita interview individually la.


Station 1: Communication (Bi)
What would you do if you don't have to worry about money?
Interviewer orang arab. Memula tu aku cakap aku nak gain knowledge. Contoh kursus horse riding, diving, nak belajar semua kan perlukan duit. Pastu dia tanya, nak buat apa lagi? Pastu aku cam nak bukak sekolah semua so orang yg tak bernasib baik boleh belajar. Emphasize how important education is. Pastu dia kata, locals je ke? Aku kata nak bagi scholarships gak kat international students kikiki. Lagi? Nak provide fund untuk research and development supaya boleh selamatkan environment kita hahahaha. Aku waktu 2 minit untuk fikir tu, aku punya point knowledge dgn education je. Yg lelain ni main cakap je on the spot lol. Tak ingat dah point2 lain aku bagi hm.

Station 2: rehat dengar lagu.
Senanye masuk2 je tempat interview, aku duduk dekat station ni dulu. Kira station 2>3>4>5>6>1. Aku baca dalam blog orang lain dia bagi gula2 tapi sebab sekarang ni ramadan kan so takdela gula2 haha. Lagu2 pun edisi ramadan tau.

Lagu first aku dengar tu aku ingat lagi, lagu Ya Asyiqol Musthofa - Sabyan. Aku taktau pun lagu tu. Balik2 rumah gugel sebab best. Awal2 tu nervous la tapi bila dengar lagu, dia cam menenangkan weh. Mungkin sebab laguw islamik pastu zikir2 kot.

Station 3: Critical thinking (Bi/Bm)
Pendapat tentang straw kena banned terhadap environment.

Aku cakap membantu tapi takla membantu sangat terhadap environment lol. Sebab even lining dalam cawan mcd tu ada plastik. But okayla. Small steps make a big step kan.

Pastu interviewer tu taktau nak tanya apa. So dia tanya je pape. Siblings berapa, fav subj, pharmacist boleh buatpe nak selamatkan environment.

Station 4: Ethic issues (Bi/Bm)
Negara dilanda penyakit, hanya orang terpilih akan menerima vaccine tersebut. Anda seorang pakar, telah terpilih untuk menerima vaccine tersebut. Adakah anda terima vaccine tersebut atau bagi orang lain?
Aku jawab aku terima untuk diri sendiri. Aku takleh la selfish bagi family members ke apa. Nak bina balik negara, perlukan kepakaran. Experts lain pun are going through the same thing nak kena sacrifice gak. Begitulah nak.

Station 5: rehat dengar lagu

Station 6: Motivation (Bi/Bm)
Why pharmacy? Apakah usaha2 anda untuk mengetahui dengan lebih mendalam tentang pharmacy?
Basically aku jawab ni based on *blog* ni. Aku tertarik nak study pharmacy pun sebab baca blog tu. Dahla placement nanti boleh kat gov takpun swasta. Okay ar takyah tunggu lama sangat cam doctor/ dentist. Oh dia tanya gak cabang2 pharmacy. Ada farmasi komuniti, farmasi hospital, farmasi industri, farmasi akademik. Pastu nanti nak ygne? Kenapa?

Okay dah, dah boleh balik rumah yayy

Kawan aku punya yg sesi pagi went like these;

[5/18, 11:43] Jack: Ada 6 stesen
[5/18, 11:43] Jack: 4 stesen je kene iv
[5/18, 11:43] Jack: Soalan die ennn
[5/18, 11:43] Jack: Babun tol
[5/18, 11:43] Hazirah: Asall
[5/18, 11:44] Jack: Kat communication , die tanya choose either cash or ewallet
[5/18, 11:44] Jack: yg critical thinking tanya pasal oversea studies or local
[5/18, 11:44] Jack: yg ethic issues , either kau nak accept anugerah or not. dgn syarat kawan baik kau tk dpt
[5/18, 11:45] Jack: yg motivation aku stuck. Die tanya kenapa minat farmasi, apa yg inspire kau and effort kau
[5/18, 11:45] Hazirah: Overall okay kee?
[5/18, 11:45] Hazirah: Interviewer okay tak?
[5/18, 11:46] Hazirah: 2 stesen lagi buatpe? Dengar lagu?
[5/18, 11:46] Jack: Overall okay je cuma iv aku kt part motivation garang do
[5/18, 11:46] Jack: Haaah
[5/18, 11:48] Jack: Masa do, awal awal aku part motivation ah
[5/18, 11:48] Jack: Bapak blank nk jwb
[5/18, 11:48] Hazirah: Hahahahhaa
[5/18, 11:48] Hazirah: Pastu ko jawab peee
[5/18, 11:49] Jack: Aku jwblah farmasi ni minat aku then kata aku nak sebarkan maklumat betul pasal ubat. Kata farmasi ni satu kerjaya professional
[5/18, 11:50] Jack: Tapi aku stuck sbb muka die
[5/18, 11:50] Hazirah: Hahahaha
[5/18, 11:50] Hazirah: Eeee
[5/18, 11:50] Hazirah: Dia garang sgt ke weh
[5/18, 11:51] Jack: Muka die tk senyum 🥺 tu jee
[5/18, 11:51] Jack: Aku rasa die lecturer garang
[5/18, 11:51] Jack: Btw iv-er aku ada foreigner
[5/18, 11:51] Jack: Lecturer
[5/18, 11:51] Hazirah: Uuu
[5/18, 11:51] Hazirah: Orang apa
[5/18, 11:52] Jack: Taktahi
[5/18, 11:52] Jack: tahu
[5/18, 11:52] Jack: tapi speaker aku yg kata
[5/18, 11:52] Jack: die suruh english simple sbb ada foreignee
[5/18, 11:52] Hazirah: Dia tade tanya pasal pharmacy ke?
[5/18, 11:53] Hazirah: Ubat2 ke?
[5/18, 11:54] Jack: yg why u choose farmasi tu je
[5/18, 11:54] Jack: Tapi tk tanya langsung pasal ubat
[5/18, 11:54] Hazirah: Okla ek
[5/18, 11:54] Jack: Haah okaylah
[5/18, 11:54] Jack: tapi die tgk cara kau bercakap
[5/18, 11:54] Hazirah: Maksudnya?
[5/18, 11:55] Jack: Cara kau jwb soalan tu
[5/18, 11:55] Jack: Sbb kau dpt borang au, then tepi borg tu ada criteria kau kene achieve utk dpt excellent
[5/18, 11:55] Jack: range die 1-7
[5/18, 11:57] Hazirah: Lama ke wehh overall?
[5/18, 11:57] Jack: Tak sampai 30 min pon
[5/18, 11:58] Jack: 7+7+2+2+2+2+5+5+5+5
[5/18, 11:58] Jack: ni masa
[5/18, 11:58] Jack: cuba total
[5/18, 11:58] Hazirah: 42
[5/18, 11:59] Jack: Haaa tulah tapi aku rasa tak lama pon
[5/18, 11:59] Jack: entahlah
[5/18, 11:59] Jack: 7min tu rasa mcm 5 min
[5/18, 11:59] Hazirah: Okayla tu

Oh well, I bet waktu iv lain kali pun soalan lain2 gak. Just be prepared. Soalan dia okayy je. Lagipun tade tanya pasal ubat ke dos apa2 pun. All the best!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Tips Minggu Destini Siswa UiTM! (detail sgt lol)

Olaa gais. Aku bakal dak2 uitm sooooooooo
kawan aku punya cousin ada bagi tips untuk hari orientasi aka MDS:v
So I thought I should share it with the world (especially you, yes you). 
Semoga dipermudahkan InsyaAllah :D

Aku tak tukar pape dari yg original sbb kelaka kot hahahahaha
korang bergembira la baca ye 

[20/05 20:25] Nur Hanina: ohhhhhh

[20/05 20:26] Nur Hanina: ada je

[20/05 20:26] Nur Hanina: bykkkk tipssss

[20/05 22:15] Nur Hanina: yeeee

[20/05 22:15] Nur Hanina: kita tgh buat

[20/05 22:15] Nur Hanina: jap ye

[20/05 22:16] Nur Hanina: panjangggggg sangat

[20/05 22:16] Nur Hanina: hahahaha

[20/05 22:16] Nur Hanina: bnyk sgt tips nk kasi

[20/05 23:11] Nur Hanina: Tips MDS: 

1) iols sarankan hang gosok tudung awalawal dr Rumah and terus gantung kat hanger ( tudung yg nk dipakai time MDS) sebab time MDS takut hang xsempat Nak gosok tudung. sebab korang akannnn menghadapi harihari penyeksaan sampai 2 3 pagi. by that time mata korang mmg nampak bantal je. trust me. kalau korang nk gosok time ptg lepas parents hangpa balik pun boleh. tapi konfirm2 laa korang nk bermanja manjaan before kena tinggal an. so gosok tudung awalawal. xdelah kelamkabut sangat nnt. and your MDS start right after asar.

2) sepanjang MDS tu..korang kena pakai bajukurung dengan Kasut sukan. (masa iols MDS aritu.. iols pakai converse je. takkuasa Mak Nak pakai Kasut sukan warnawarni tu hahahah kena gelak ada ah)  

3) Jangan mengada ngada nak bermakeup bagai. berpeluh jugak akhirnya. busuk. hapak. hancing. hamis. hahaha. pakai bedak oklah. utk xnampak kusam or xbermaya. minyak wangi xmo banyak2 sembur. HARAM haha. (melalut jap) *biar selekeh time MDS . mmg biasa pun time mds selekeh. xpe..banyak masa nak melawa. time pi first day class.. haa melawa lah. 

3) Jaga pandangan. xyah kepoci pandang si para ajnabi tu . klo terpandang yg hensem tu...pandang jela hahahahah utk elak ngantuk hahahahhahahaha. (alasan semata)😂

4) ohhh tadi kat atas dh bagitau an korang akan tdo dalam kul bapa. 2atau 3 pagi cmtu.( depends pada kebaikan abg akak faci korang) (but most of the time abg akak faci korg xkan sebaik tu nk lepaskan korang tido awalawal pukul 12 malam)  so selalunya kul 2 pagi. andddd korang hanya ada 2-3 jam je nk menikmati keempukan bantal busuk korg tu. so apa point yg aku nk sampai kan kat sini ialahhh... bagi menjimatkan masa emas tu... korang sampai je bilik malam tu... cepatcepat mandi and siapkan bju apa nk pakai esok. so bila ko dah mandi.  ko boleh tido sepuasnya. and lepas 2-3 jam tu.. ko xyah mandi. and xyah bangun awal semata nk berebut tandas dengan roommate. (itu kalau tandas korang jenis tandas dalam bilik cam uitm aku) kalau tandas cm kat asrama tepi koridor tu..  hurmm mmg ahh Nak kena berebut dgn budak2 lain. xsyok doh. so jimat an masa? 😏 so boleh la bangun awal sikit. just utk gosok ggi and basuh muka. and cepat2 siap turun bawah sebelum si rimau mengaum. solat subuh jemaah. semua solat berjemaah. bawak telekung memasing. 

5) bawaklah air + roti jagung + gulagula. in case klo hypo tetiba. sebab masa makan nnt abg faci tu acah acah jerit "PANTAS SISWI PANTAS SISWAAA . APAHAL LEMBAB MKAN. KO INGT TENGAH BERKELAH KE ! TAKNAMPAK RAMAI NK MAKN TU? CEPAT SIKIT..BLABLAVLABLA" so takut makanan tu xdapat hadam betul.. so takut lapar nnt. tapi hang buat donno je. biar je. suka hati kita ah kan. perut kita. hahahah

6) bawak la kainlap or kipas lipt. manalah tau aircond rosak ke or korang kena Naik tangga sampai tingkat 9 ke an.. by the time dapat duduk..ketiak dah banjir. dahi dah tsunami. hapak busuk hancing hamis bagai. time ni spray sikit minyak wangi. xyah melebihlebih. sikit jeeee. 

7) bawak nota pen. tulis apa yg dorang cakap. VVI! PENTING! 

8) time penutup mds .. kena pakai baju kurung putih (guna je bajuskolah tu) then kain hitam + kasut hitam bertutup + tudung uitm. nnt depa kasi. 

9) disarankan bukak YouTube dengar lagu uitm dihatiku and wawasan setiaku (setia or setiaku) either one. lupa. hhehe. dengar dulu and hadam melodi dia before korang masuk Uitm. So nnt masa akak faci ajar nyanyi..korang dapat belajar cepat.. wawasan setiaku tu sedih beb. gua nangis. harap lu nangis gak ah. itupun kalau menghayati betulbetul lirik dia. 

10) bawak baju putih lengan panjang utk sukan. bawak bawal putih. kadangkadang time MDS ada sukan. kadang2 xde. tgk sempat ke x. xpe..bawak je. 

11) masa koko nnt (bila dh start kuliah) time koko korng mmg kena Pakai baju putih and bawal putih korg xde baju koko lagi. nnt time MDS dorang ada bagitau. dengar elok2

11) pasal jadual kelas and korang dapat kelas apa...yg tu abg or akak faci akan bagitau korang nk rujuk kat papan kenyataan mana. 

12) lepas habis penutup MDS .. korang bebas. bolehlah klo nk balik jb . kat Kolej bukannya ada apa pun. haha 

13) laptop xyah bawak awal sangat. dah habis mds baru bawak. printer pun bawak ah jugak.  so korang akan independent klo ada printer sendirian berhad tu. xontoh kalau tibatiba ada last minute assignment yg lupa nk print.  korang boleh print cepat2, xpayah nk mengigau meroyan cari printer orglain sampai kacau ketenteraman masyarakat nk melayari mimpi.  buat bisnes klo ada printer tu. 20sen-hitamputih
50sen - colour
tampal ah kertas masa beroperasi tu dekat depan pintu. so xdelah org org ketuk2 pintu pagipagi buta nk print . 

14) share2 lah duit beli ampaian (kalau beranda korg xde ampaian ah) beli besar skit pun elok. sbb biasalah baju banyakk annn. kalau Beli kecik.   susah pulak nk jemur. bertepektepek Kang. pandaipandai korang la eh. malas nk campur hal Rumah tangga . 😝 

15) pakaian time kelas 
isnin- formal (bajukurung utk pompam/baju kemeja cam ofis tu utk laki)

selasa- sahsiah rupa diri( bebas yg menutup aurat) jeans pun boleh

rabu- baju korporat (kalau course aku la) haha tp selalujya aku xpakai pun baju korporat sebab malas. taktaulah course korang kena pakai apa . 

khamis - baju fakulti /bebas

jumaat - kurung/jubah/bajumelyu / bebas. tp seelokeloknya kurung or  jubah ah. 

16) duit syiling bawak banyak. nk mendobi bajybaju tu.

17) korang boleh jadikan bilik korang cm Rumah. bawaklah karpet bulu bulu ke.. karpet tikar ke apake.. meja kecik utk makan berjemaah dengan roommate ke an.. mmg best jadikan bilik cm Rumah. so homesick tk tebal sangat. klo dh biasa duk jauh dr Rumah..baguslah. bonus point. 

18) lupa.. cam biasa nnt mst ada sedih2 pasal makbapak. nangis2 haha. bawak tisu hembus hingus leleh tu. 

19) ITU jekot buat masa ni.GOODLUCK Hazirah! 😉😍

[20/05 23:27] Nur Hanina: tudung tu utk time penutup MDS . harilast nnt

[20/05 23:30] Nur Hanina: jarang lah jugak. tp bila buat bawal..xjarang sangat. tp elok guna inner ah.

[20/05 23:09] Nur Hanina:

[20/05 23:09] Nur Hanina:

[20/05 23:09] Nur Hanina: ini utk tambahan

[20/05 23:37] Nur Hanina:

[20/05 23:37] Nur Hanina: cakap kat dia.. bukanlagu wawasan setia yg sedih. lagu uiym dihatiku yg sedih. menangis

[20/05 23:37] Nur Hanina: haha

[20/05 23:40] Nur Hanina:

[20/05 23:41] Nur Hanina: ada dua lagu. bagi dia

Okay gais. Tu je. Ti lepas aku experience sendiri MDS ni ti aku update lagi  :v
Well, kalau rasa ada bende nk tambahla huehuehue
Ganbatte! :D

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016

Zoo Johor Kita

I went to the zoo last Wednesday (20/4/2016) with my friends and it was


I've only been to zoo about 3 times in my entire life (this trip is included haha). 

I did go to Zoo Johor when I was little but I don't remember a thing ._. Pretty sad. Went to the Singapore Zoo and I didn't get a chance to discover everything ._. Again, pretty sad.

Worry not, I'm glad I went here again.

The ticket is said to be the CHEAPEST in the WORLD. Uuuu pretty exciting isn't it?

For an adult it would cost you RM2. RM1 for children.

RM2 = 0.51USD


We were the first visitors who came :D yayyyy 
Btw, it opens from 9am to 6pm everyday~

First of all, we were greeted with kawaii birds. It was on our right side, walking from the main entrance at the zoo.

This peacock is gigantic ._. 

I was actually interested with the thing on its head. Haha, Googled it. The thing is called a head crest :D

I don't know what this was. I thought it was the peacock's baby. But well, peacock's babies are actually brown in colour. I'm wasn't really sure ._. Maybe this is was a teen peacock. Let's assume that, hahahahha.

There were tons of colours available. Collect them all!

The tongue.

The birds didn't want us to leave. They tried to follow us as far as they could. But nope, they weren't flying.
Imagine the yellow bird that cling on the wall of the cage moving by using its claws and beak ._.
Yep that's what happened. And they're good at it. They moved quite fast. Hahahaha.
You bird, had changed my mind.

There were various types of monkey. I saw the world's smallest monkey. You can actually keep it in your pocket if you want. The monkey would definitely fit in it. 

Ow, something interesting happened. While we were walking along the path, I saw a monkey swinging on the trees. And so I thought the monkey could actually leave its exhibit. Told my friend about it and she said, "Shhhhh". Haha.

While we were watching cassowary, again, I saw the monkey running towards a hut with his hands up in the air. It was hilarious. 

The hut was over on our right. Maybe about 20 meter from us. I told my friends just so they would be aware of the monkey's presence. I think my action had grabbed the monkey's attention that it went towards us and pulled my friend's scarf and bag. It did nothing to me. The monkey was half  my size. We walked away but it didn't follow us. We told one of the zookeepers about it. He said the monkey was tame, so that's why it was set free. The monkey was really cute. It looked like a sloth, hahahahaha.

Because of that incident, we didn't continue to walk on that track and decided to go back there after we explored all the other parts of the zoo first.

Is this a fox? ._. But it's definitely cute ._.

I think those tigers are humongous. They are a lotttttttttttttttt bigger than me ._.

Oh, I still remember back when I came here for the first time. There were cubs. Unfortunately, the cubs weren't there when I was here for my second visit. tsk tsk tsk T_T

They were waiting for food (probably).

There was a male lion in the cage. It was ill so I guess that's why it wasn't allowed to mingle with the females :( 
His roar sounded sad too :( I hope you'll get better soon, Mr. Lion  :'(

There were cows too. But I didn't take any pictures of them though :v

Elephants weren't in their exhibit due to their spot's renovation. Probably they are still lepaking at Kuala Gandah :v

Enormous tapir :O 
A friend of mine said the way it eats looked like a human's.

Uuuuuuu, the camel part was fun. We spent time over here a lot more than the other exibits.

When we were about to leave, a zookeeper came by and asked if we wanted to feed the camels. 

"YES, PLEASE!" *insert excited intonation*

We were given a loaf of bread each :D but one of my friend gave me hers. Hehe. 
After we finished feeding them, the zookeeper gave us more :3 tyvm ^^
He said the camels eat more than 1kg/day.

They're like cats XD They followed us to get food, hahahaha
At first, we ran faster than them but once they knew about out trick, they ran faster than us. Hhahahahaha


(the culprit ._.)

This was my best selfie with the camel after several attempts XD
I'd treasure this photo so much because I had to go through adversity to get this photo :v

I showed the camel a slice of bread so it would look at the camera, hehe.
Just after the photo was taken, the camel shoved my head hahahahhahaha. It didn't hurt. I just felt a slight bump on my head. My bad.
Its saliva smelled like flour ._. Yep it was adhered on my scarf.
Probably the camel was annoyed that I kept fooling him. But hey, I did give you extra bread :v

When we were here, a zookeeper was cleaning the cage. He offered us to have a closer look at the tortoises. Well, this literally means he let us into the area xD

I asked if he would let us lift them. He said yes. He even taught us the proper way to lift them.

I swear this not-so-big tortoise is quite heavy. Yep, don't judge a book by its cover. I wish I could lift it up a little bit higher but that's all I could do xD sorry baby, I couldn't make you soar up and feel the breeze, haha
Now I know why they're so slow :v

We were shocked when he said the tortoises could finish the pile of food in half of day. How come these 4 tortoises could do that. You guys are huge consumers. haha.
But the unvarnished truth is there are actually 36 + 6 + 2 tortoises in the cage :O
We only saw 4 of them at the very least.

We said the food was like salad. He said rojak petis hahaha.

That look. Haha. You should never put your finger near its mouth.
The zookeeper said the cut would be like the work of a razor knife. Stay safe guys. 

and taadaaaaaaaaaaa, there was a bunch of them around there. Some even stayed in holes they made. Smart ass creatures, hahaha.

This chicken sounded like a woman with a high-pitched voice rapping 'terok terok terok' .
It's true that truth isn't always that pretty hahaha. It would come up to you if you whistle, which I couldn't.

Hehe, this is the continuation track from the monkey thingy that I mentioned before.

Sexy and bare-naked xD

Again. we were offered to feed the animals again :D

The zookeeper told us not to put the food by the side because those deer could take it away. Haha, things happen. The food was placed at the center but we didn't expect it could extend its neck that far. Didn't see that coming haha.

 Nice. Would be a great pet. Nah jk.

This would be a great place for a wedding photo shoot, hahahahah.

I think its back was itchy xD

This reminds me of this:

Mission accomplished :v

There were a few activities here. Boat paddling was one of them. 
We went for a 4 pax boat which only cost RM10. Time? Unlimited.

We actually had gone for 2 to 3 rounds and decided to stop. But these guys told us to keep playing. Hahaha "Bukan senang abang nak bagi korang main takde had masa ni"

You can take your stuff  along but make sure not to drop anything in the lake xD
You can eat while you're on the ride too. We had keropok lekor while we were on it. Hehe. 
The view was breathtaking. 

Horse riding was the last thing we did. Actually I was the only one who took a ride :D
RM6 per ride. Pretty affordable.

Look at my booty hahahaha

Her name was Along but people call her Kak Long because she was on a good behavior. She is 17 years old, a year younger than me.
Yep, I'm talking about the horse.

I wish I could have my own horse :v

She's smart. She knew the route well. I'm so proud of you, baby.

We had had ice cream after the ride. Note that the price is RM1, more expensive than usual.

Kirei desu yo ne~

That moment when a bird is looking hotter than you, hahahahahha


After that, we had lunch at KFC :D

It was fun. This memory will always be treasured <3
Thanks Afiqah & Anis <3