Tuesday, December 08, 2015

My One and Only SPM Experience


Hopefully this is going to be my first and last spm ever in my life. Yes, it is over and no, I've no intention to repeat it xD Since it is a once-in-my-life experience, I do want to remember it. So here I am, blogging and hoping that I could remember all the tiny things that had happened. This post is dedicated to my juniors too ;)

On my first day of spm, when I woke up what I did was smiling. I couldn't tell if I was afraid or excited. Everything was mixed up. Today is the day, I thought. I felt nervous but I knew I wasn't the only one. I saw my friend crying. Actually I wanted to cry too but I couldn't and of course I wouldn't. You know it is pretty reasonable that these kind of emotions exist within us. It was the first paper of spm and spm is almost like everything. It is not everything but it is something.

If  you could tell my location, you're pretty awesome

Hmm. Actually I didn't bring my ic on my first day xD I know it's dumb lol. When I was having my breakfast that morning, I did tell myself to go and take it right away. But I didn't. I said to myself that I'm going to eat first and then I'll take it. But I didn't because I forgot to. When I reached my school I was like, "Oh! I forgot to bring my ic." Haha. Yeah, that what really happened. I went to the front and told a teacher about it. She gave me this thing. I went back at 10am after my BM paper 1 and took my ic so I did bring it for the evening paper on that day, BM paper 2. But hey, I didn't repeat my mistake on the following days alright~

This is why I didn't get to eat the chocolate cupcakes that was distributed and a set of stationery (actually given during Majlis Restu Ilmu but it was cancelled at the last minute). I was at the front during the distribution. Nah, I don't mind. Takde rezeki. Oh, I remember that I couldn't eat anything 30 minutes before entering the examination hall. I was nauseous. But it only happened in the morning :D 

Ketua Pengawas: "Sesiapa yang tidak membawa kad pengenalan atau slip peperiksaan, sila angkat tangan". I put up my hand high. My friends be like, "Ape perasaan kau kena angkat tangan? Malu tak?". "Hmm. Tak. Tak rasa pape." That what I felt though. Nothing.

There are always something that showed up in the exam paper that gonna be an issue or controversy. It happened last year too. I wonder if it did happen every last years lol. Some examples over here. Credit to my classmates that share them with me.

It's just hilarious xDto spm or pt5 candidates, I'm sure this gonna happen to you too. hahahahaha. 
I don't have a twitter account in case if you are wondering ._. 
but I do have ig @ouritsu but I rarely use it~

There was a few days gap between the subjects so our teachers conducted special kelas tambahan for us. It was pretty fun. Of course, photography session was included at the end of the class lol. And no, we didn't come to kelas tambahan merely for taking photos xD

Just realise I didn't take a selfie with my Chemistry teacher T_T I told the details about my kelas tambahan to my mom. She said, "Rajin cikgu. Tau tak macam mana rasa cikgu yang nak anak murid dia berjaya."    Wuuuu ( T _ T )
It made me think how much my teachers had sacrificed for me and my friends. Thank you teachers. If you ever stumble upon this post, I just want you to know that I appreciate all the hard works you did. Couldn't thank you enough ( ; _ ; ) So do my tuition teachers ( ; _ ; ) Rindunya ( ; _ ; )

I think during exam especially an important one like spm, people tend to act a little weirder than they normally are. These happened to me:

  1. My head literally bled. Not severe though. When I touched the wound, blood dripped down my fingers.
  2. I accidentally slept at the outside around an hour or so. Approximately from 9pm to 10pm.
  3. Mean and more sensitive. Gome, if I've hurt you.
  4. I sleep earlier.
  5. Left my class's group chat. Umm for no particular reason. But now I'm in.
  6. I get hungry often.
What else? Can't recall much ._.

Oh, I accidentally wrote wrong angka giliran during my add maths paper 2. Ketua Pengawas was, "A008 sila datang ke hadapan bawa pen."  Oh, I wrote A007. Supposed to be A008. Now everybody knows that I am A008. Instant and temporarily famous. Maybe infamous actually xD

Add maths paper 2 section a broke my heart. How could you do this to me baby? ( ; _ ; )
I came home with broken hearted and watched this video that my junior sent me. This somewhat motivate me to move on. Thank you my lil junior T_T terharunya and you're just so cute.

I was pretty excited during Biology paper 3. Couldn't stop grinning when I was answering the paper. Obviously because it was the last paper. We were almost reaching the end.

and we did it.

pardon me for my s ._.

Last but not least, lots of my friends told me that my face is alike with our Ketua Pengawas. "Muka kau sama ah dengan ketua pengawas." "Aku masuk dewan tengok ketua pengawas pastu terkejut ah sebab sama dengan muka kau." "Aku tengok muka dia pastu tengok muka kau. Sama la." I was somehow succeeded to take a photo (or two) with her xD  hmm I should thank her and all teachers involved for taking care of us. I did but Thank you very much :)

Some say we do look alike but some say not. 

I wish the best for all students especially one that had gone through spm and one who will.
Good luck for your future endeavor :)


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