Thursday, April 16, 2015

My Target For 2015


Time flies so fast. I never thought I have passed my 2014 as a Form 4 student and now, I am on my very last year of high school. Time sure does fly fast. I think I am going to repeat that a numerous time since I have not believed yet that I am actually a big girl now, a seventeen-year-old girl. We usually keep saying sweet seventeen. I guess it is and to me, every each year is sweet since it is the year when when we keep etching a sound memory. This year will be a great and valuable memory for me and my coeval friends. There are a few things that I ache for this year to make my 2015 meaningful.

One of my resolution on my attitude is to stop procrastinating. I learnt from my past experience that this is a very bad habit. Yes, I admit. I was the queen of procrastinator but for now, and I wish forever, I will step down from my not-really-lovely throne for my own sake. For my own future. Furthermore, I want to do my homework on time. When I receive homeworks from my teachers, I am going to finish it on the same day I receive the works. even if the  due date is one or two more days. Everyone makes mistake and so do I. Skipping or delaying on doing my homework is one of the biggest mistake that I have ever made. Delaying them is like trying to make a mountain that full of homework to be done. I want to smile more often and make more expressions. I have been labeled as emotionless and heartless. Cruel isn't it?

For my relationship, I want to treat my family better than ever. After I end my high school, I want to further my study so I want to be with my family when I still can. It is not like I have any problems with them bit I do not want to regret later. My bond with my family, especially with my siblings is quite strong. I have 8 siblings. It is always fun to interact and communicate with each other. I still remember when my sibling and i made breads together last school holiday. it was really fun. I want to show that I appreciate my teachers and friends. i do not know how to express my feelings properly so I wish this year, I want to let others know that I love and glad to have them by my side. I have never said  'I love you'  before. Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of my life. I do not want to miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean so much to me.

I want to fix my 's' lisp. I do not think my 's' lisp is chronic or obvious. Well, at least that is what I thought. When  I start to speak or talk, does not really matter whether I talk in English or Bahasa Melayu, people usually will ask if I have a lisp. Some of my friends are toying with my 's'. My 's' sounds like 'ash'. Kids would misunderstand me saying 'H'. People say I am cute to have that lisp but I will take that as an annoying compliment. Correcting my lisp has always been my new year target since I was entering my high school but this time, this year, I am going to accomplish it. I am desperate. Other than that, I want to manage my time properly. I do not want to spend my time too much on entertainment. When I mentioned entertainment, what I mean is anime. Anime is like Japanese cartoon. I do not really enjoy watching television. I watch anime online. I have decided  to watch it during weekends only. This is my sacrifice for SPM.

When it comes to health, I can consider myself good enough. Good enough does not mean perfect. Fruit is not really favorable for me but when it comes to vegetable, I eat almost all vegetables exist in this planet. I am not a picky eater but I do not eat fruit especially mango. Yes, I do not eat mango. But the implication of this is my body lack and insufficient of vitamin. I have to suffer the negative effect of not eating fruit. My skin bleed. My gum darken. I experienced loss hair. My skin irritated especially my hands, well, it is my past but sometimes I do still experience it. Last time, I had to eat like 11 tablets of vitamin a day for a few days continuously. I have decided to change my eating disorder. From now on, i want to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Well, I hope so. I am going to wear braces after I have finished my SPM. Big yay for me.

Actually, I think I should have written this at the very first place. I want to excel in my study. I am a Form 5 student now so there is a huge, humongous, gigantic obstacle that I have to face which is Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysian or famously known as SPM. My target is 9A+ for SPM like the popular saying, "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars". I will endeavour my best in order to achieve it. I want to end my high school with something great. I will study every single day. I am currently learning German and Japanese. I want to speak in Japanese and German fluently. I do have an intention to continue my study abroad especially in Japan or German.

Dream is just a mere dream if I do not work it our. There is a quote that is one of my. It it, "Dream as much as you want, but do not forget to wake up and make all your dreams come true". I really like it. Of course, since these are my 2015 targets, I will give them a shot even if I have to go through trials and tribulations along the way. I will never give up easily and fight till the bitter end because that is what a champion would do.

ape aku buat niiiiiiiii
sumber: buku karangan aku kakakaka

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